
Kreepy Krackles

  • easy
  • medium
  • hard

You will need

To decorate you will need:

·      1 1/2 cups of icing sugar

·      1 1/2 tsp lemon juice

·      Edible eyes

·      Natural food colourings

·      Sprinkles

·      Bars Kinder Chocolate


  1. Pre line a cake tin with baking paper. A removable base cake tin works best.

  2. Combine rice bubbles and desiccated coconut in a large bowl.

  3. Over a Bain Marie, melt Kinder Chocolate and coconut oil, stir occasionally.

  4. Pour over rice bubble mixture, press mixture firmly into base until flat.

  5. Make a small incision with a knife spacing Krackles evenly. Place a popsicle in the middle of each crackle until the popsicle stick hits the base.

  6. Freeze for an hour.

  7. Take Krackles out of freezer and take out of cake tin. Rest for 5 minutes before cutting, when ready cut Krackles on the pre-cut lines.

  8. Lay out Krackles on a baking tray with baking paper.

  9. Whisk together icing sugar and lemon juice to form icing for Krackles.

  10. Add your desired natural food colouring and dunk your Krackles in using the popsicle.

  11. Add edible eyes, sprinkles and cut your bars to create mischievous monsters and enjoy.

Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 10 minutes + 1 hour refrigeration
Makes: 16
