Carefully selecting our ingredients.
Each ingredient is especially selected for its quality and taste to ensure our products always bring joyful moments to you and your family.
We start by selecting our suppliers and building long terms relationships with them, working together to improve the quality of the ingredients we use.
We also make periodical audits at our suppliers’ production sites to ensure safety and quality of our ingredients supplies.
Carefully monitoring safety, quality and taste
Our treats are distributed and enjoyed in more than 170 countries and it’s our priority to ensure they meet our standards of safety, quality and taste when they are consumed.
At every stage in the making of our little treats, our team of experts performs tests on the ingredients, on the semifinished and finally on the finished products to ensure their safety and the best quality and taste.
Did you Know?
• Each year we carry out globally over 1,329,000 safety, quality and taste controls on our ingredients.
• Each year we perform over 48.000 food safety and quality controls across our plants globally in in the making of our treats.
• Our quality-tasting panel involves over 2,000 testers around the world, to verify and guarantee the excellence and consistency of our taste. They carry out over 360,000 taste tests each year in the making of our products!
• To ensure you have the best taste experience, a dedicated team completes around 1 million store visits around the world each year to extensively monitor our products’ quality in store.

جودة مصانعنا وشهاداتنا
تُنتج حلوانا اللذيذة في 18 مصنعاً مختلفاً حول العالم جميعها تخضع لإدارة منظومتنا الدقيقة للجودة وتخضع لشهادات الجودة المعترف بها عالمياً مثل شهادة نظام سلامة الأغذية FSSC 22000.
مصنع أرلون التابع لفيريرو يفتح من جديد
في 17 يونيو 2022, مصنع فيريرو الواقع في أرلون ,بلجيكا منح تصريحًا مشروطًا لإعادة تشغيل خطوط الإنتاج. تمت إعادة الافتتاح بعد عمليات تنظيف واسعة النطاق وضوابط سلامة الأغذية تم إجراؤها بالتعاون الوثيق مع هيئة سلامة الأغذية البلجيكية (AFSCA). سيعيد المصنع تشغيل خطوط الإنتاج تدريجياً خلال الأسابيع القليلة القادمة.
يعمل أكثر من 1000 من موظفي Ferrero والمتخصصين المستقلين في المصنع بشكل مستمر. تم الانتهاء من أكثر من 1800 اختبار جودة ، كما قمنا بتحديث بروتوكولات سلامة المنتج ، والتدريبات وأخذ العينات في المصنع.
Listening to our consumers
We are always listening to our consumers around the world to learn about the ways they like to enjoy our little treats and ensure the taste and quality they love.
Did you know?
• We conduct around 40,000 consumer taste tests and interviews globally each year on top of collecting consumers feedback, complaints and requests through our online contact channels and systems.
Our ingredients
All our products are made with carefully selected ingredient, that undergo thought processes to maintain them at their best. We never use colours and preservatives.
What we care about
At Kinder, we love all the little moments. For family moments are never little especially when shared together.