Find out how they were born, how they grow up and what their relations are with their parents. Learn and discover 16 new baby animals from the Natoons range!


Baby meerkats are called puppies and are raised by the whole meerkat group, not just their parents!

Meerkats are extremely intelligent and are found in the southern part of Africa.


Their front legs resemble flippers and help the sea turtles swim with ease.

They live in the water but return to shore to lay their eggs.


A baby hippo is called a calf. The calves feed from their mothers underwater and will come up to the surface to take a breath when needed.

They love to be in the water for most of the day as the name hippopotamus means river horse.


At just five days old, a fawn can run faster than most of us humans.

Unlike a mother doe, a fawn has no scent. Therefore, mothers do not always stay close to their young to avoid attracting predators.


They enjoy playfully wrestling with each other, and sometimes stand up on two paws.

As an adult, they are a hunter with a super sense of smell. They can smell a seal tens of kilometres away or even underwater.


As a calf, their coat is both striped and spotted to help them blend into their surroundings. Their coat changes as they become an adult.

They have a nose called a proboscis, which they can use as a snorkel when they swim, while keeping the rest of their body underwater.


Its eggs are the largest and heaviest of all! A single egg can weigh up to 2 kilos, the equivalent of over twenty chicken eggs.

It's a bird that doesn't fly, but when it runs it's very fast!


Inside its cheeks it has small pockets where it stores the food it finds to eat whenever it wants.

Squirrels plant trees! Sometimes they forget about the nuts and seeds they have hidden and a new plant sprouts from them.


As soon as their eggs hatch, the mother crocodile must carry their babies to the water using their mouths – they manage this without hurting them!

Crocodiles have barely changed since the time of the dinosaurs, so they have remained the same for tens of millions of years!


Each penguin chick has a unique trill, which is a sound they make to help them find their family within a large group of penguins.

The chicks do not swim because their first feathers are not adapted to water, they only become adapted after a few months.


From a very young age they learn to stay perfectly still so as to camouflage themselves and not attract predators.

When a mother rabbit is searching for her young, she emits a low call for them to respond to.


When they are 2 months old, baby skunks will start to spray a smelly liquid whenever they are nervous or scared.

Skunks can spray up to 5 or 6 times, then they need to wait about 10 days for their body to produce more.


Elephants like to play as calves and adults, as well as bathing in mud!

The sound elephants make is called trumpeting, and the sound calves make does sound like a real trumpet!


Koalas are marsupial animals: each newborn baby spends a few months in a special pouch that the mother has on her belly.

As an adult, koalas feed on eucalyptus leaves which is the tree they always live on!


A baby swan is called a cygnet. They often sleep on their parents backs and learn to fly at around 3 months old.

Swans are beautiful animals but are also very protective of their young – never disturb a nest if you see one!


At 3 months old the lion cub will begin to eat meat, and will start to hunt when they are 1 year old.

When a pride of lions roar, the cubs join the group with a kind of meow!


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